Key Business and Legal Trends in 2025
Navigating the Legal Landscape: Key Trends for Businesses in 2025
Kim, Lahey & Killough founding attorney Doug Kim joined Mike Switzer on South Carolina Public Radio’s South Carolina Business Review to discuss the new legal landscape for businesses in 2025. Key points include:
Disruptive Technology’s Impact
AI is rapidly reshaping business and the legal profession, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Unlike previous technological shifts, AI is accelerating change at an exponential rate, forcing businesses and law firms to adapt faster than before.
Key Implications for Businesses
Technology Adoption: Companies must be prepared to leverage new technologies quickly and strategically.
Increased M&A Activity: With substantial cash reserves and a pro-business climate, mergers and acquisitions are expected to increase.
Due Diligence Preparedness: Doug strongly advises businesses to begin due diligence preparations in anticipation of potential acquisitions.
In addition, the legal profession itself is experiencing significant disruption. AI tools are enhancing efficiency in research, particularly with regard to patent and trademark searches. Kim emphasizes that AI won’t replace lawyers, but lawyers and law firms that adopt AI technologies will likely outperform those that resist change.
In 2025, businesses must stay agile, embrace technology, and quickly manage the risks associated with new technologies and business models.
Listen to the full interview here or read the full transcript, below.
Full Transcript of The new legal landscape for businesses, an interview with Doug Kim on Mike Switzer’s South Carolina Business Review.
Broadcast on South Carolina Public Radio on January 23, 2025
[00:09.710] – Mike Switzer
Hello and welcome to the South Carolina Business Review. This is Mike Switzer.
As this New Year with a new administration in Washington just getting started, many businesses may be looking at the legal landscape and what they can expect to see in 2025. Doug Kim is an attorney in Greenville, South Carolina, where he joins us from now by phone to help us with this topic.
Doug, welcome to the program.
[00:39.990] – Doug Kim
How are you doing? Thanks for having me.
[00:41.620] – Mike Switzer
Great. Let’s just go ahead and kick off the discussion with an overview of what you see happening in the legal world this year.
[00:49.970] – Doug Kim
Well, it’s going to be quite a few fast changes, and I’ll give you my opinion of the analogies of why I think this is going to happen. And that is, Windows came out many years ago, and it made software accessible to the public in general, which was disruptive for society and business. 2007, the iPhone comes out and it creates software in your hand, again, disruptive for the benefit of increased technology – massive changes in business and society. What’s happening now is we have AI, which is even faster, that’s doing a couple of things. This is what’s driving changes in the legal side, I think. Ai has made everybody feel like, Oh, there’s this new technology. Gosh, we’re behind. We need to be stepping up. That’s one piece. Another piece is you’ve got a new administration who, by all accounts, seems to be reducing regulations and is going to be pro-business. Not that other administrations haven’t been, but this particular one seems to be more pro-business. Add on top of that, you’ve got a bunch of pent-up demand: during election years, businesses tend to, I don’t want to say stall, but they tend to not make much major decisions until they see what’s going on.
There’s a lot of money sitting on the guidelines to move projects forward. So, with all that said, you add the technology changes, the environmental changes, the geopolitical changes, and the fact there’s a lot of cash sitting out there, you’re going to watch the legal profession really have a lot of, quote, “pressures on it.” Our clients are going to be pressing us to be able to adopt technology and candidly, probably move faster than the legal profession is used to.
[02:22.290] – Mike Switzer
Okay. It sounds to me like a massive headache year for you.
[02:25.480] – Doug Kim
It could be based on the law firm’s attitude. It’s not uncommon for technology to change the law. For example, in one area of the law, the right to privacy. Well, everybody’s got a phone in their pocket now, and that phone has a camera. What is your expectation of privacy if everybody can video and photograph you now? So the way the law changed was because the technology changes. The law firms are just going to have to say, “All right, I need to understand this.” I need to step up and say, Here the deal is, as well as how these businesses are adopting it and say, “Okay, how do I manage the risk?”, which is a lot of what lawyers do with these new technologies and these new ways of doing business. And how do I keep myself up to speed so I can respond properly and competently to my client’s demands? I think when you say it could be a lot of headaches, it’s going to require lawyers to educate themselves in areas faster than maybe they’re accustomed.
[03:18.490] – Mike Switzer
Maybe giving up some of the bread and butter business that’s been the thing. In any way, you see a lot of consumers and businesses turning to alternative legal service providers like Legal Zoom.
[03:32.980] – Doug Kim
That’s exactly right. There is definitely a place for that. The legal services traditionally required a lawyer and a lawyer thinking to do some of this stuff. With the advent of some of these other businesses being in those areas, particularly with the leveraging of technology, it may not be a lawyer’s job, either 100% or maybe not even at all. I’ll give you a good example. The type of work that I principally do is intellectual property. We used to have to go hire people to do patent searches and trademark searches for us. Over the years, these patent and trademark databases have been developed by government agencies, Google patents, things like that. You can take the current technology with AI and do a patent or trademark search much more efficiently and faster than a human being could have done it years ago. Some of those tools that are out there are going to reduce, I don’t think eliminate…but reduce the need for some of the legal services that typically an attorney would do. Ai is not going to replace lawyers. It’s not going to do that. However, the law firms that adopt AI will probably replace the ones that don’t.
[04:35.080] – Mike Switzer
What is your recommendation for businesses that are listening right now then on what they should be doing to take advantage of these trends?
[04:41.730] – Doug Kim
If I had to say it in one sentence: Start thinking about getting ready for due diligence. You can Google due diligence and see what that takes. I mean, anybody can do that. If I’m right and there’s going to be an increased M&A activity and companies are going to be acquiring technology, not developing it, a company that wants to be a target for an acquisition would serve themselves well getting ready for this process.
[05:05.080] – Mike Switzer
All right, Doug. Great information. Thank you so much for spending time with us today.
[05:09.120] – Doug Kim
Happy to do it. Enjoyed it.
[05:10.870] – Mike Switzer
Doug Kim is an attorney. He joined us by phone from his office in Greenville, South Carolina. Remember, you can hear this show again at our web page, southcarolinapublicradio dot org. You can hear us again wherever you find podcasts with the South Carolina Business Review. This is Mike Switzer.
[05:33.700] – Announcer
The views expressed on the South Carolina Business Review do not necessarily reflect those of South Carolina Public Radio.

Seven attorneys named 2024 Legal Elite
Seven Kim, Lahey & Killough attorneys listed as 2024 Legal Elite by Charleston Business and Greenville Business Magazines
Kim, Lahey & Killough is pleased to announce that seven attorneys have been named in the 2024 Legal Elite lists. Notably, all five of the firm’s registered patent attorneys were recognized for their work in the areas of intellectual property and innovation, a core focus of the law firm.
Greenville Business Magazine and Charleston Business Magazine recognized Doug Kim, Seann Lahey, Hunter Freeman, Robert Merting and B.C. Killough for their contributions to Intellectual Property and Innovation. “This recognition from our peers is a testament to the depth and breadth of our IP practice, as well as our firm’s commitment to excellence. We are honored to have our entire patent team acknowledged, alongside our talented colleagues in employment and corporate law,” commented firm founder, Doug Kim. Additionally, Casey Martens and Emily Bohan were honored for their work in Employment Law and Corporate Law – Business Organization matters.
Doug Kim is no stranger to legal awards and accolades. In addition to his Legal Elite IP and Innovation recognition, Kim has been listed in South Carolina Super Lawyers annually since 2017, and he has been recognized in the Greenville, SC Best Lawyers® list, named the Best Lawyers® Trademark Lawyer of The Year, the Best Lawyers® Patent Lawyer of The Year, and an IP Star by Managing Intellectual Property magazine.
Firm co-founder Seann Lahey is noted for his IP and Innovation work not only by Legal Elite of the Upstate but is also listed in South Carolina Super Lawyers as well as Best Lawyers in America for his work in intellectual property law. Seann has extensive experience dealing with international and U.S. patent prosecution, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing of intellectual property rights, and rendering legal opinions on validity, infringement and enforceability of intellectual property rights, as well as IP litigation.
Hunter Freeman has over 20 years of experience as a litigator and certified mediator and works to provide novel ways for clients to create value through the protection, prosecution and enforcement of their IP including trademarks, service marks and copyrights. As the 2024 Chairman of the InnoVision Awards, Hunter works hard to provide opportunities for start ups and businesses in the state to advance technological innovations. In addition to Legal Elite, Hunter has been recognized for his legal efforts by both Super Lawyers and The Best Lawyers in America ® for his work in intellectual property and business litigation.
Greenville patent attorney Robert Merting joins his colleagues as a named Legal Elite for IP and Innovation this year. Robert’s general business practice serves a variety of clients and industries, including builders, manufacturers, inventors, professionals and governmental organizations. He counsels businesses and individuals on IP contracts, corporate IP agreements, trademarks, non-disclosure agreements, and patents.
Charleston patent attorney B.C. Killough has counseled businesses and professionals for over 30 years. Regularly recognized for his legal efforts on behalf of his clients, Killough’s Legal Elite for IP and Innovation award is joined by recognition as a Senior Fellow by the Litigation Counsel of America, as an AV preeminent rated attorney with Martindale-Hubbell, as a Best Lawyers Corporate Lawyer of the Year for the Charleston market, and Thomson Reuters has recognized Killough as a Stand-Out Lawyer – a recognition bestowed by in-house counsel peers.
Casey Martens is recognized as a Legal Elite for her work in employment law for both plaintiffs and defendants. Casey’s legal practice includes business litigation, intellectual property and employment counsel to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as to employees in employment disputes. Licensed to practice in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia, Casey heads up the firm’s Brevard, NC office.
Business attorney Emily Bohan is commended as a Legal Elite for her efforts with Corporate Law – Business Organization matters. Emily focuses her legal practice on franchise law, business formation and organizations (Including LLC’s and Partnerships), and labor and employment matters. And when businesses are in a dispute, Emily serves as a certified mediator, to assist parties to come to a resolution outside of the courtroom. Greenville Business Magazine recognized Emily as a 2024 SC Women in Business.
The Legal Elite are selected annually through peer nominations from attorneys throughout the state of South Carolina in 50 legal practice areas.
About Kim, Lahey & Killough
With offices in Greenville and Charleston, SC and Brevard, NC, the Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is devoted to helping clients establish, enforce, and leverage their intellectual property rights from the Upstate, to the Lowcountry to across the globe.

Emily Bohan joins Kim, Lahey & Killough
GREENVILLE, SC – Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is pleased to announce the addition of attorney Emily Bohan to the firm’s Greenville, SC, office. Bohan’s law practice focuses in the areas of franchise law, business formation and organizations (including LLC’s and Partnerships), business disputes, alternative resolutions, and labor and employment matters.
Bohan’s firsthand experience in navigating the complexities of running a franchise operation equips her with insights into the myriad of challenges faced by businesses; her own franchise business, PuroClean, will celebrate its 15th year in 2024. As an attorney, Bohan counsels businesses and individuals in all aspects of business law including business formation, contracts, franchise, employment, compliance, licensing, and trademark matters.
In addition, Emily Bohan is a South Carolina certified mediator and is able to assist parties in business disputes to come to a resolution outside of a courtroom.
Bohan earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Legal Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz and her Juris Doctor from the George Mason University School of Law. She is admitted to practice before federal and state courts within both South Carolina and Virginia.
With offices in Greenville and Charleston, SC and Brevard, NC, the Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is devoted to helping clients establish, enforce, and leverage their intellectual property rights from the Upstate, to the Lowcountry to across the globe.

Alternative Legal Service Providers
Should They Be “Alternative?”
This article appeared the January 2024 issue of SC Lawyer magazine. Reprinted with permission of the South Carolina Bar.
For the past several years, the legal profession has been searching for ways to respond to staffing shortages, increased complexity in legal matters, and clients’ demand for cost control and faster response times. The use of Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) has been one way to meet these challenges. Failing to understand, explore and, when applicable, properly incorporate ALSPs into your legal practice will unnecessarily diminish the value you can provide to clients and companies. This is especially true when the ALSP leverages modern technology for document review and signature, e-discovery and analysis, litigation support, and regulatory and compliance projects. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) makes the decision to adopt or ignore ALSP even more timely and relevant to the modern law practice.
ALSPs can be very beneficial when properly implemented, as they provide non-traditional ways, even revolutionary ways, to provide legal services. There is also no question that the industry is growing. An online article by Thomson Reuters in January of 2023 stated that the ALSPs comprise a $20.6 billion portion of the legal market. The article noted that the rapidly increased use of ALSPs is causing a blurring between law firms, legal departments, and technology companies. The offerings for alternative legal services come in many forms: online legal platforms, virtual law firms, and artificial intelligence technologies that can be used for document review and even document drafting. As client demands increase, ALSPs can help firms and companies meet this demand by providing non-traditional and even disruptive solutions. We have all seen the change in the legal industry, especially post COVID, where digital transformation was increased, remote working became the norm, physical documents were the exception, and access to information dramatically increased. Proper use of alternative legal services can assist the law firm or company transition into the digital era.
One simple example is the shift to e-signature. While the algorithm that was generally used to create the first e-signatures was created in 1977, it was not until the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act of 2000 that these signatures were allowed to be legally binding and therefore an option for law firms. E-signatures are also consistent with the move to the paperless office. E-signatures offer fewer signing errors, improved security, increased response time, client convenience, and lower costs. However, adopting e-signatures comes with requirements such as having the client accept doing business electronically, allowing a wet signature option, showing a clear intent to sign, and receiving a copy of the completed, signed document. The point is that even with something as simple as e-signatures, there are practical, operational, and regulatory requirements that must be met to implement this alternative to the traditional signature. ALSPs cannot just be adopted blindly.
ALSPs can also be thought of as “legal outsourcing”, which is the practice of law firms or corporations engaging with third parties that provide legal support. Domestically, this is outsourcing and internationally it is offshoring. In the early 2000s, tasks that were assigned to these third parties included document review, legal research and writing, drafting of pleadings and briefs, and patent services. For example, companies offered to draft patent applications for substantially less than the domestic attorney fees by using offshored authors. These third parties offered substantially reduced costs, improved turnaround and increased resources to those law firms and companies that sought their services. However, this practice was not without risk.
In 2008, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recognized that this offshoring was occurring and issued a notice which stated, “The USPTO has become aware that a number of law firms or service provider companies located in foreign countries are sending solicitations to U.S. registered patent practitioners offering their services in connection with the preparation of patent applications to be filed in the United States.” The USPTO “reminded” inventors and patent attorneys that “the export of subject matter abroad pursuant to a license from the USPTO, such as a foreign filing license, is limited to purposes related to the filing of foreign patent applications. Applicants who are considering exporting subject matter abroad for the preparation of patent applications to be filed in the United States should contact the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) at the Department of Commerce for the appropriate clearances.” The risk was that using these ALSPs may cause a violation of the Export Administration Regulations governing exports of dual-use commodities, software, and technology, including technical data.
The lesson here is that while there can be substantial cost savings with an ALSP, a strategy should be put in place to properly manage the ALSP, project, information, data, and regulations.
One lesson can be learned from a now infamous proceeding before the USPTO involving ALSPs Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and RetroCube LLC. These ALSPs purported to assist trademark filers with the federal trademark application process. On November 3, 2021, the USPTO issued a show cause order stating that it had reason to believe that these and related companies were violating the USPTO’s rules of practice, engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, and providing false, fictitious, or fraudulent information in thousands of trademark submissions to the USPTO. Among the violations, the USPTO alleged that the companies failed to follow the rule that all documents submitted to the USPTO in a trademark matter must be personally signed by the named signatory. When the companies did not adequately respond to the USPTO’s show cause order, the USPTO imposed sanctions on the companies, including a bar on further communication with the USPTO, permanent deactivation of their USPTO accounts, and disallowance of any future accounts. However, this was not the worst of it. The order terminated “all trademark application proceedings involving submissions by Respondents or filed through a USPTO.gov account registered to, associated with, or controlled by Respondents,” leaving thousands of applicants with paid for, but cancelled trademark applications. Several South Carolina applicants were caught in this proceeding. Since federal trademark rights can begin from the filing date, this caused substantial legal damages to thousands of entities. In this case, the use of these ALSPs resulted in substantially more harm than any saving could overcome. The use of an ALSP without the guidance of a practicing trademark attorney was very damaging indeed.
When considering an ALSP, there is always the issue of unauthorized practice of law, as shown in the USPTO proceeding. South Carolina has addressed one business model of an ALSP (Legal Zoom) in a 2012 proceeding and found that “Legal Zoom’s business practices, as reflected in the Settlement Agreement and the Affidavit of Edward Hartman, do not constitute the practice of law.” Nevertheless, each use and implementation is different, and this is an area where the specific ALSP in use will determine the outcome.
Practical and ethical considerations require lawyers and firms to properly investigate and implement ALSPs consistent with the profession’s ethical obligations. Comment 8 to Rule 1.1 of the Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer, to comply with the requirement of competency, should “keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including a reasonable understanding of the benefits and risks associated with technology the lawyer uses to provide services to clients or to store or transmit information related to the representation of a client.” Rule 1.4 requires transparent communication so clients can make informed decisions regarding representation. Rule 1.6(a) states, “A lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation….” Rule 1.6(c) states, “A lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of a client.” When using an ALSP, even for normal tasks such as document review, e-discovery and data rooms, the law firm has several obligations under the application of Rules 1.1, 1.4 and 1.6. Consider an ALSP that provides e-discovery and document review. First, the lawyer has an obligation to understand the services and operations of the ALSP in sufficient detail to ensure that any information shared remains confidential (Rules 1.1 and 1.6). Second, the lawyer has an obligation to communicate and inform the client that the ALSP is being used and what information is being shared (Rule 1.4). Third, the lawyer has an obligation to stay abreast of the changes in services and operations of the ALSP in the event circumstance’s change. For example, SLPA that are technology-based companies can be subject to mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations that can impact the ALSP operations. On August 29, 2023, the “legal technology” company Reveal published a press release stating that it acquired two other e-discovery companies, Logikcull and IPRO. Reveal provides the legal industry with tools for document review and other services. The acquisition resulted in over 4,000 customers and employees in more than two dozen countries. Logikcull, initially a United States company, now has its span globally. In the event that a law firm or client used Logikcull for a legal hold, extra steps now have to be taken to be compliant with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), because ITAR covered technical information cannot be transmitted without certain permissions and only to certain counties. Failing to understand the services and operations of the ALSPs of this transaction can result in not only ethical violations, but regulatory ones as well. The example of violating ITAR is the risk that the Rules of Professional Conduct are designed to prevent.
The use of technology, and investigating ALSPs, is not complete without a discussion of artificial intelligence. The risks associated with use of AI can create significant negative impacts on the client so that its use falls under this rule.
First, when we discuss AI, we should classify the type of AI that is being used. Generally, there are three types: analytical, predictive, and generative.
Analytical AI is generally directed to analyzing and interpreting data to provide insights, patterns, and meaningful information. An ALSP using analytical AI may be the easiest to implement since it can streamline document review, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. This is especially true when using AI to scan documents for key terms and flag issues for an attorney to review. Understanding the ALSP using analytical AI (and informing the client) can quickly lead to savings and improved accuracy.
Predictive AI seeks to forecast or predict future events or outcomes based on historical data and patterns. This use may be the riskiest for some firms because of the presence of bias in the very AI model itself, the large quantity of data required, the uncertainty of specific outcomes and assumptions made in the learning model about the subject matter. For example, one AI application, when presented with a potential juror name, searches public data related to the prospective juror, correlates the data with known patterns of human behavior, and provides a detailed profile of the person’s personality type and a summary of their views and biases. This application seeks to provide insight into the juror according to its AI model so that attorneys can use this information to predict biases in a potential juror. However, since AI has to be “taught” how to think, the AI may only be providing an appearance of usefulness, include bias and discrimination concerns, and even may violate the constitutional mandate not to use gender or race when selecting juries. Since the actual operation of the AI model is constantly changing and unknown, there is substantial risk with AI for this predictive application.
Nevertheless, using an ALSP with predictive AI that analyzes data to predict case outcomes and legal trends, combined with a lawyer’s oversight, can be a powerful tool. Using such an ALSP with predictive AI can allow a lawyer to make informed predictions about case success, analyze settlement offers, and develop mediation, settlement, and litigation strategies. Predictive AI can be used to review case facts, prior rulings, and judge behavior, potentially allowing the lawyer to better prepare strategic decisions concerning trial tactics, negotiations, or settlements. Predictive AI has the potential to enhance or even replace the mock jury process. It is important to be aware and understand that every model, technique, and process has its limitations when implementing it.
Generative AI is used to create new content, documents or other material and typically provides newly created content according to patterns and knowledge learned from existing data. Its use can include anything from litigation documents to emails. Again, understanding the process and communicating that it is being used to the client when deploying generative AI is critical to its proper implementation. For example, in patent law, a public disclosure can start a clock running in which the inventor has to file a patent application within twelve months or risk losing the ability to seek patent protection. ChatGPT is a public forum, so using this ALSP to draft a patent application would result in a public disclosure.
Even AI models that claim to keep confidential the information that is provided (e.g., seeking to avoid public disclosure) have issues with their operations. For example, patent drafting AI software states on its website that data is sent to Amazon Web Services (AWS), is encrypted, and the patent documents are not stored except as necessary to provide the services. While this is a good first step, the privacy policy states that the company may share the information collected from you with third-party companies, such as Amazon Web Services, Google, and LinkedIn. One has to wonder how the data remains confidential with these contradictory representations. Understanding these processes and policies is important to being able to communicate to a client when such a service is used.
We also know that there have been missteps with the use of generative AI, including the now well-known fine of $5,000.00 assessed against a lawyer who used ChatGPT to write an affidavit and brief, including six case cites that proved to be nonexistent cases. While it may appear that this is a gross dereliction of duty, the attorney explained that he was unaware that ChatGPT could provide false information (e.g., hallucinations). It is difficult to reconcile this explanation with the requirements of Rule 1.1, comment [8].
When using generative AI for a client, a detailed understanding of the ALSP policies and process is critical to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
When selecting an ALSP and implementing it in your practice, there are several key points that are needed:
- Understanding how the ALSP receives, stores, and otherwise manages the data it receives. For example, is the data stored in one location, multiple locations domestically, and/or internationally? Further, the vendors of your vendor can play a role. In one example, a vender was used for data storage and analysis for material that was ITAR controlled. However, a vendor of a vendor was not ITAR compliant creating ethical and regulatory issues.
- Understanding the ALSP’s policies such as its security policies, disclosure policies, and ability to return or destroy data is important both in operation (and what) as they provide informed consent to the client.
- Obtaining informed consent from the client can be a requirement in some, if not most, cases. As we see ALSPs continue to invest in technology, the lawyer can capitalize on these new technologies and tools, but not necessarily without the client’s permission.
- Ensuring confidentiality.
- Providing oversight so that the lawyer does not blindly rely upon the ALSP since the duty of communications, competence, and confidentiality cannot be delegated. We learned this from the case J-M Mfg. Co. v. McDermott Will & Emery where the client instigated a legal malpractice claim alleging the negligent handling of e-discovery. The client pled that its counsel’s professional duty of care was breached when its counsel failed to supervise its e-discovery vendors and contract lawyers which resulted in the inadvertent production of thousands of non-responsive, privileged documents.
Properly implemented, ALSPs can be used effectively for the benefit of the lawyer and the client, but not without investigations, precautions, and oversight. Unfortunately, there is not a single checklist for this as each ALSP has unique and ever-changing procedures, policies, and processes, especially with the introduction of AI. Nevertheless, cost savings, efficiency, speed, large data access and analysis, and future predictive services can provide the law firm with a competitive advantage without requiring the traditional “team of lawyers.” Planned, controlled and thoughtful implementation of ALSPs is the way of the future. As discovered in the Alternative Legal Services Providers 2023 Report, ALSP use is growing in large part to the ability of the ALSP to provide specialized expertise (e.g., intellectual property portfolio management) and access to technology that is not available within the firm (e.g., artificial intelligence).
Also, AI is not without its entertainment…
Doug: Please write a closing paragraph for an article discussing alternative legal service providers
ChatGPT: In an era marked by rapidly evolving legal demands and the imperative to optimize resources, alternative legal service providers have unquestionably earned their place in the legal landscape. Their innovative approaches, cost-effectiveness, and commitment to efficiency are reshaping the way legal services are delivered and consumed. As clients and law firms alike continue to seek innovative solutions, the rise of ALSPs stands as a testament to the legal industry’s adaptability and responsiveness to change. While traditional law firms remain a cornerstone of the profession, the symbiotic relationship between traditional and alternative legal service providers is fostering a legal ecosystem that not only meets but anticipates the diverse needs of clients in our increasingly complex and dynamic world. The future of the legal industry appears to be one where the combined strengths of both models will continue to drive progress, making legal services more accessible, efficient, and effective for all.
Doug: Now, write it in the voice of a pirate.
ChatGPT: Arrr, me hearties, in this ever-changin’ legal seascape, these here alternative legal service providers be a treasure worth discoverin’! Their swashbucklin’ methods, savvy for savin’ doubloons, and their knack for speedin’ through legal waters be transformin’ the way we handle our legal affairs. As clients and law firms seek new horizons, these ALSPs be showin’ their mettle, provin’ they be a vital part o’ the legal crew. While traditional law firms be anchorin’ the profession, the partnership ‘twixt old salts and these newfangled ALSPs be creatin’ a legal realm that not only meets but anticipates the diverse needs o’ clients in this ever-twistin’ and turnin’ world. The future of the legal sea be one where both models be workin’ in tandem to chart a course towards makin’ legal services more accessible, efficient, and effective for all ye landlubbers!
Doug Kim, a Physics major from Davidson College, began his professional career as a computer programmer and software engineer. His intellectual property career began in 1998 when he combined his business experience with his legal education and was involved with enforcing a client’s patent against multiple infringers. Since then, Doug has created a well-rounded IP practice that provides legal solutions and strategies tailored to each client from multinational corporations to start-ups.
- https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/legal/alsp-report-2023/ (according to the Alternative Legal Services Providers 2023 Report, published in 2023 and conducted June 1 to July
18, 2022 by the Thomson Reuters Institute, the Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession at Georgetown Law, and the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. - 73 CFR 42781
- Id.
- Id (See MPEP § 140 (8th ed., Rev. 5, Aug. 2006).
- 15 CFR Parts 730–774.
- https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/protect/applications-terminated-abtach-360-digital-marketing-retrocube
- 37 C.F.R. § 2.193(a); TMEP § 611.01(b).
- https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/protect/applications-terminated-abtach-360-digital-marketing-retrocube
- Case No. 2012-208067.
- Id.
- Rule 1.1 Comment [8].
- Rule 1.4 Comment[5].

Kim, Lahey & Killough 2023 SC Super Lawyers
Kim, Lahey & Killough attorneys listed in
2023 South Carolina Super Lawyers
Kim, Lahey & Killough attorneys Doug Kim, Seann Lahey, and B.C. Killough have been named in the 2023 South Carolina Super Lawyers list as top-rated intellectual property attorneys and Casey Martens has been named in the 2023 South Carolina Rising Stars list as a top-rated employment and labor attorney in the Greenville and Charleston markets.
Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers in the state are selected by the research team at Super Lawyers to receive the honor of inclusion on the Super Lawyers list and no more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in the state are selected to be listed as Rising Stars.
Greenville patent attorney Doug Kim, founder of Kim, Lahey & Killough, has been included in the South Carolina Super Lawyers list annually since 2017. Kim concentrates his law practice in the areas of brand protection, invention protection, licensing, contracts, company formation, Internet and domain name, data security and privacy, patents, trademarks, copyright, technology transfer, IP litigation, trade secrets, Internet & domain name pursuits, business disputes & resolutions. In addition to Super Lawyers, Doug Kim has previously been named the to the Greenville, SC Best Lawyers® list, named the Trademark Lawyer of The Year, the Best Lawyers® Patent Lawyer of The Year, an IP Star by Managing Intellectual Property magazine and a Legal Elite of the Upstate by Greenville Business Magazine.
Charleston patent attorney B.C. Killough adds his ninth year as a named attorney to the South Carolina Super Lawyers list in the area of intellectual property law. Killough’s practice areas include brand protection, invention protection, licensing, contracts, company formation, Internet and domain name, data security and privacy, patents, trademarks, copyright, technology transfer, IP litigation, trade secrets, Internet & domain name pursuits, business disputes & resolutions, commercial transactions, and mediations of intellectual property and commercial disputes. Killough has been honored as a Senior Fellow by the Litigation Counsel of America, holds an AV preeminent rating with Martindale-Hubbell, was previously named the Best Lawyers Corporate Lawyer of the Year for the Charleston market and has been recognized by Charleston Business Magazine as a Legal Elite in the area of Intellectual Property and Innovation.
Greenville patent attorney Seann Lahey joins colleagues Doug Kim and B.C. Killough on the Super Lawyers list for their work in intellectual property matters. Seann Lahey’s intellectual property law practice regularly includes work in trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets licensing matters, and he has extensive experience dealing with international and U.S. patent prosecution. He has also been recognized by Greenville Business Magazine as a Legal Elite of the Upstate for his work in intellectual property law.
Super Lawyers South Carolina Rising Star Casey Martens practices employment and business law in both the Greenville SC and Brevard NC offices of Kim, Lahey & Killough. Her law practice focuses in the areas of business disputes and litigation, state and federal employment law, corporate formation, drafting and enforcement of contracts, business disputes involving interference with client relations, individual and business defamation, collections, and enforcement of non-compete agreements. She has also been previously recognized by Greenville Business Magazine as a Legal Elite of the Upstate.
About Super Lawyers
Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The annual selections are made using a patented multiphase process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates and peer reviews by practice area.
About Kim, Lahey & Killough
With offices in Greenville and Charleston, SC and Brevard, NC, the Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is devoted to helping clients establish, enforce, and leverage their intellectual property rights from the Upstate, to the Lowcountry to across the globe.

Hunter Freeman joins Kim, Lahey & Killough
Patent Attorney Hunter Freeman joins longtime colleagues at
Kim, Lahey & Killough
Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is pleased to announce the addition of patent attorney Hunter Freeman to the firm’s Greenville, SC, office. Freeman’s law practice focuses primarily in the areas of patents, trademarks, trade secrets, contracts, licensing, copyrights, litigation and mediation.
Previously, Freeman worked with firm co-founders Doug Kim and Seann Lahey for 15 years at a large South Carolina firm. Since those early years, each has grown in knowledge, experience and emphasis on the intellectual property needs of South Carolina. Additionally, the number of tech companies in the state has grown by more than 250% during those years, and the need for legal strategies that empower businesses of all sizes to succeed has increased accordingly. “I am excited for the future as we work together to address the growing number of tech innovations born out of South Carolina,” commented Freeman. “I am eager to work alongside my friends again, and with the rest of the firm, to build, expand, develop, and advance the future of business in South Carolina and beyond.”
Freeman has experience in a myriad of industries to include medical devices, manufacturing, aerospace, software and tech, marketing, food beverage and hospitality, consumer products, startups and entrepreneurs, among others.
“As our clients’ needs continue to grow and evolve, we understand the importance of having another trusted colleague in our firm who can navigate the complex world of intellectual property protection and enforcement. With the addition of Hunter Freeman we now have five IP attorneys and are well suited to handle the growing needs of businesses and corporations across South and North Carolina,” observed Doug Kim. “And for those seeking to avoid litigation, we now have two intellectual property mediators in Hunter Freeman and Bill Killough.”
Freeman shares the client-centric philosophy of Kim, Lahey & Killough and enjoys sharing his knowledge to help strengthen and support South Carolina’s entrepreneur ecosystems. He routinely speaks at entrepreneurial workshops and his articles have been published in IP WatchDog, Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, South Carolina Lawyers Weekly, and UpState Business Journal. Hunter Freeman has been recognized for his work by his peers and the business community as he is listed in The Best Lawyers in America®, South Carolina Super Lawyers, and in Greenville Business Magazine, as a Legal Elite of the Upstate.
Freeman earned a Bachelor of Science in physics at Rhodes College, and his Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina School of Law. He is admitted to practice before all state and federal courts within South Carolina Courts, as well as the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
With offices in Greenville and Charleston, SC, and Brevard, NC, the Kim, Lahey & Killough Law Firm is devoted to helping clients establish, enforce and leverage their intellectual property rights from the Upstate to the Lowcountry and across the globe.

United States Issues Patent Number 11,000,000
WASHINGTON – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today officially issued U.S. patent number 11 million, recognizing an important milestone in American innovation and ingenuity.
“This momentous benchmark is a reminder of the remarkable and enduring tradition of American innovation that has driven our nation forward for generations,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “Building our economy back stronger requires new ideas and innovative solutions from every sector. I am proud to recognize patent 11 million, its inventors, and its promise.”
“Since the founding of our nation, American inventors have driven our culture and commerce with incredible ideas that have improved every function of our lives,” said Drew Hirshfeld, performing the functions and duties of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO. “We owe a debt of gratitude to inventors who continue to show up day after day with solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. We congratulate the inventors behind patent 11 million and all of the innovators who helped the country reach this milestone.”
Patent number 11 million, granted to co-inventors Saravana B. Kumar and Jason S. Diedering of 4C Medical Technologies, Inc. in Maple Grove, Minnesota, is for a utility patent that provides a new method for delivering, positioning, and/or repositioning a collapsible and expandable stent frame within a patient’s heart chamber.
“We are incredibly excited and honored to be granted U.S. patent number 11 million for our invention,” said inventor Saravana Kumar. ”The 4C Medical beginning is a true story of American entrepreneurship, where Jason and I worked in a garage many nights and weekends to turn this idea into reality. We could not have gotten here without the support of so many, including my wife Katherine and 4C Medical’s founder, physician Dr. Jeff Chambers. Currently, our team is actively working to demonstrate the benefits of our technology to treat patients with severe mitral regurgitation as part of a U.S. clinical trial.”
“4C Medical’s approach to inventing is simple—we identified a need, created a solution, and demonstrated its benefits. We are a team of highly driven and creative engineers who are committed to bringing lifesaving technologies to people who need it most,” explained inventor Jason Diedering.
Background on the U.S. patent system
Patents predating the Patent Act of 1836 were unnumbered, identifiable only by the name of the patentee and the date of issue. These patents became known as “X-patents” after Patent No. 1 was granted to Senator John Ruggles on July 11, 1836 for a traction wheel for steam locomotives—the first patent issued under the new law, which officially assigned patent numbers. A few months after the Patent Act of 1836 was enacted, a catastrophic fire at the Patent Office destroyed almost all of the records and models related to the X-patents. Efforts to reconstruct the records lost in the fire continue to this day.
Patent 11 million comes three years after the USPTO issued patent number 10 million in 2018. As part of that celebration, the USPTO redesigned the official U.S. patent cover—the seal-and-ribbon document awarded with each patent grant—paying homage to the classic elegance of its predecessors. A list of the patent milestones can be found here.

Kim & Lahey Law Firm Sponsors InnoVision Award for Small Business
The attorneys of the Kim & Lahey Law Firm have been supporting the entrepreneurship community for over 20 years and are happy to continue our support for InnoVision, an award program that recognizes innovation in South Carolina annually. This year, InnoVision received a record number of applications reflecting both the strength of the innovation economy in South Carolina and the special circumstances of the 2020 pandemic.
This year we are sponsoring InnoVision’s Small Enterprise Award, which recognizes a small business for creative technology development or innovative technology application. The technological innovation may be applied to a product, process or service that is intended for sale to customers or for use inside of the organization. To be eligible for this award, the organization must employ fewer than 50 full-time employees or generate less than $20 million in revenue.
InnoVision is hosting a series of Meet the Finalists online get-togethers to announce and congratulate finalists in two award categories each Tuesday at 4:00pm. The Small Enterprise Award finalists will be announced tomorrow, October 13. Please join us through this registration link.
The winners will be announced at the Tuesday, November 17th Awards Ceremony. This year, since it’s an online event, it is open to the public and we will let you know when registration is open.
InnoVision Awards was established in 1999. InnoVision Awards are the mark of distinction for outstanding leadership, innovation, and technological excellence.